Pletschette Family Tree - Homepage
last updated: March 07, 2011
In Search of Information about Nikolas Kransz
Dear Internet Surfer,
I'm Jean Ferber, the mayor of the municipality called Wahl a small
town, in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. I myself leave in Buschrodt
a small village of the municipality.
I'm interested in the history of our village, and one member
of our village, Nikolas Kransz, went to America in the year 1845.
Nicolas Kransz was leaving in a town north of Chicago, called "Lake
View". In the book "Old Chicago Houses (1941)" of John Drury I was
reading that the "Senn High School" was built on the ground, where
the Kransz Farm used to be. In this booklet it is stated that details
of his house can be found in the archives of Chicago.
In 1886 Nicolas Kransz made a gift for the children of our village,
Buschrodt and in 1893 he gave a silver gold plated goblet to our church.
I would appreciate in case I could get photos and or documents that
are in relation with Nikolas Kransz, like photos of the "Seven Mile
House", photos of Nikolas Kransz, his family, his gravestone. Copies
of other documents such as his marriage certificate, his death
certificate would be very much appreciated.
Peter Kransz, the son of Nikolas Kransz was the Luxemburgish Consul in
Chicago. In 1926 he got a distinction by the Grand Duchesse Charlotte.
Unfortunately we don't have photos of that ceremony that took place
in Luxembourg. Peter Kransz had 2 children, Aloise and Elise.
I would be very much interested to know if there are still descendants
of his family, and in case I could get addresses to contact these
I hope that I don't create too much trouble with my questions.
I would very much appreciate in case you could help me getting some
of the information discussed before!
We would very much appreciate all information we could get from the
Kransz family, and maybe the name of descendants of the family.
I would appreciate in case you can help me or forward this letter to
people that might be in a position to help. Any costs coming up
will be refunded.
Yours faithfully,
Jean Ferber
23, rue Principale
L-8610 Buschrodt
(Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg)
1. A summary of info we collected on Nicolas Kransz
2. Abstract of an article out of the book: "Old Chicago Houses"
3. Photos Collected!
4. Abstract of an article out of the book: "History of Cook County"
1. A summary of info we collected on Nicolas Kransz
Nicolas Kransz
born: 23-08-1816 in Buschrodt, Luxembourg, Europe Community:
Wahl migrated to the USA: 1845
His address in 1846 "Lake View"
(Green Bay Road, today Nord Clark Street)
Name of his Home: "Seven-Miles house"
married Margaret Faber, of Luxembourg, February 7, 1849
name of his children: Nikolas H (Nicholas H) **)
Heinerich P (Henry P)
Peter P
Maria (Mary)
died: 12-02-1896 in Chicago.
Peter Kransz
name of his wife: Katherine
name of his children: Alois
Peter Kransz built 1881 the first brick house in "Edgewater"
north of "Lawerence Avenue" (5896 Ridge Avenue)
Peter Kransz was consul of Luxembourg in Chicago
1924 he got a distinction from our Grand-Duchesse Charlotte
we expect the children Alois and Elsie are still alive
We found a gravestone of Nicholas H. Kransz 1851-1909 and
assume it is the gravestone of his son.
at St. Henry Catholic Cemetery
St. Henry Catholic Cemetery Office at:
St. Boniface Cemetery
4825 N. Clark Street Ridge Ave. at Devon
Chicago, Illinois Tel: 561-2760 Tel: (847) 864 3050
Office hours: 9am-4pm Mon thru Fri
9am-1pm Saturday
We would be interested in:
- a photo from the gravestones of both Nicholas and Peter Kransz,
- Copies of Birth or Death certificates would also be appreciated!
- E-Mail addresses of members of the Kransz family would be
very much appreciated!
- In case you know family members or other people knowing the
Kransz family we would appreciate in case you could point
them to this URL!
2. Abstract of an article out of the book: "Old Chicago Houses"
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Published in September 1941.
Edgewater's First Brick House -- Page 228-232
Although known in the neighborhood as "the first brick house
built north of Lawrence Avenue," the two-story residence at
5896 Ridge Avenue is of greater interest to students of the
city's past as the abode of a Chicago family that first settled
in this region more than one hundred years ago. Four generations of
this family have frequently gathered under its roof, and many early
settlers have sat in its parlor and recalled pioneer days of the
The house, however, does not date from the pioneer days. It was
built in 1881 by Peter P. Kransz, son of a successful farmer
and tavern-keeper of old Lake View who first settled here in 1846.
Peter Kransz, with his family, has occupied the house ever since
it was built. He is now eighty-two years old and is still active
in an insurance business, with offices in North Clark Street.
Just as active is his wife, Katherine, who still presides over
the Ridge Avenue landmark and entertains, at intervals, her
children, grandchildren, and old time neighbors.
When this house was built, the region around it was largely vacant
prairie, sand waste, and swampland. In the immediate vicinity,
however, lay the Kransz farm, owned by Peter's father, and, at what
is now Clark Street and Ridge Avenue, stood the original Kransz home
and inn, known in the old days as the Seven-Mile House. Today this
region, called Edgewater, is a neighborhood of homes and apartment
buildings. Standing on part of the old Kransz farm is Senn High
School, one of the largest in the city.
Although not a survivor of the very early days, the Kransz home
may be considered a landmark of the North Side, for it was
erected when that part of the city was outside the municipal
boundaries in the township of Lake View. Eight years later,
however, Lake View was annexed to Chicago, and soon the city
crept up around the brick dwelling on Ridge Avenue.
Still standing when this domicile was built was the Seven-Mile
House, erected by Nicholas Kransz, Peter's father, in 1848.
This edifice, in fact, remained standing until five years ago,
when it was razed to make way for an open-air market. Before
being torn down, its history was obtained by the Ravenswood-Lake
View Historical Society under the direction of Miss Helen
Zatterberg, secretary-historian, and considerable material
on it is now in the files of the society's rooms on North
Lincoln Avenue.
From this source we learn that Nicholas Kransz, a native of
Buschrodt, Luxembourg, came to America in 1845, worked for
a year as a laborer in Chicago, and then bought one hundred
and twenty acres of land on the old Green Bay Road (now North
Clark Street) north of Chicago in what later became Lake View
Township. A few other Luxembourgers were living in the
vicinity at that time.
Nicholas Kransz cleared his land, cultivated it, and built
the frame homestead that was to become the Seven-Mile House.
A one-time visitor to the Seven-Mile House, according to
Peter Kransz, was Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln was brought to my father's place to attend a Republican
caucus of the farmers in the vicinity," says the white-haired
insurance executive. "That was when Lincoln was a candidate for
president. My father was a Republican and an admirer of Lincoln."
A volume of biographical sketches published in 1897 says of the
eider Kransz: "Mr. Kransz, immediately upon settling in Lake View,
took an active part in local public affairs. His townsmen soon
recognized his fitness for office, and he was elected to ail the
offices of the township excepting that of supervisor. He possessed
good executive ability, was usually accurate in his judgment, and
candor and absolute fairness characterized every move of his life."
The Kransz biographical sketch continues: "Mr. Kransz was generous
and charitable. On December 1, 1886, he endowed a school in his
native village (in Luxembourg) with $ 1,500 for the education of
poor children. This fund was so invested that the income from it
supports and pays tuition for one pupil each year."
After becoming a successful farmer, Nicholas Kransz entered the
insurance business. Following the marriage of his son, Peter,
to Katherine Becker, daughter of another early settler, Nicholas
urged the newlyweds to build a brick house instead of a frame one.
Peter followed his father's suggestion, and in 1881, several months
after the marriage, the brick edifice was completed at a cost of
seven thousand dollars. It soon became a show place of that section.
Installed in his spacious brick house, with its numerous rooms and
large porch, Peter Kransz lived as a member of one of the first
families of Lake View, often entertained some of the old-time
Luxembourgers of the neighborhood, and carved out his career
as a successful insurance man. For years he was consul in Chicago
for Luxembourg and in 1924 was presented with the decoration of
the Order of the Oak Leaves by the Grand Duchess Charlotte.
In the years of his retirement and before his death in 1896,
Nicholas Kransz was often a visitor in his son's brick home
across the street from the old Seven-Mile House. Here he would
sit with other early settlers of "The Ridge" and talk about the
days when Indians could still be seen on Green Bay Road and Lake
View was the celery-growing center of the Middle West. Here he
would often meet his other sons, Henry P. and Nicholas H., both
successful businessmen, and his daughters, Mary and Anna.
Here, too, he played with his grandchildren, Alois and Elsie, son
and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kransz. Alois is now associated
with his father in the insurance business. Still shading the
ancient brick edifice are some of the hard maples and elms that
the eider Kransz helped his son plant. The ten-room house has
been little altered since it was built.
The rooms are high, large, and decorated with fine woodwork and
parquet floors. Seated on the large front porch of a summer evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Kransz often recall the years when their neighborhood
was farm and prairie land and horse cars went up and down North
Clark Street.
3. Photos Collected!
Photo made at the Senn Park - FP, July 11, 1999
Photo made at the Senn Park - FP, July 11, 1999
At the Senn Park is a Sign or poster with the following text:
History of Senn Park. Here one can read:
Senn Park was created as part of a Chicago
Park District Program of expansion and
improvements which began in 1945. Entitled
the Ten Year Park Development Plan, the
objective was to create new parks and
provide additional facilities where needs
were identified as critical. The 7.84 acre site
was acquired in 1947. In 1953 the park was
named in honor of Nicholas V. Senn, a
prominent northside physician who had
conducted important medical research prior
to his death in 1908. The adjacent high
school is also named for Senn. In 1996
Senn Park's size was increased to a total
of 8.13 acres through the acquisition of
additional property.
! Historically the site of Senn Park was the
! Nicolas Kransz family homestead and inn.
! Know as the Seven Mile House, the home-
! stead was located on the Old Green Bay Road,
! seven miles from downtown Chicago. Accord-
! ing to Peter Kransz, son of the original owner,
! Abraham Lincoln attended a caucus of local
farmers at the Seven Mile House during his
1860 campaign for the presidency. To honor
this legacy, the Young Lincoln statue by sculp-
tor Charles Kreck has been donated by City
of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs.
Cover of the book: "Old Chicago Houses"
The first brick house built north of Lawrence Avenue
the two-story residence at 5896 Ridge Avenue
It was built in 1881 by Peter P. Kransz
4. Abstract of an article out of the book: "History of Cook County"
This text is out of the book: "History of Cook County, Illinois"
from the earliest period to the present time - 1884.
by A.T. Andreas. I have a copy of pages 708
This is out of the article: "History of Lake View Township"
Nicholas Kransz was born in Luxembourg, Germany,
August 16, 1816. He was employed in the manufacture of dry
goods in Buschrodt, Germany, and for several years before coming
to the United States engaged in the manufacture for himself.
July 7, 1845, he came to the United States, direct to Lake View
Township, Cook Country, and with his brother bought the farm upon
which he resides. Since 1860 he has acted as agent for different
fire insurance companies, especially American Fire Insurance
Company, of Chicago, in which he owns an interest. He also
represents the German Fire Insurance Company of Freeport, Illinois
Mr. Kransz for some fifteen years held all the township offices,
with the exception of Supervisor. He was married to Miss Margaret
Faber, of Luxembourg, Germany, February 7, 1849. They have
five children - Nicholas H., Peter P., Mary, Henry P. and Annie.
note added by myself: in the text before, "Luxembourg, Germany"
it is to be understood that the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg touches
the borders of Germany on one site, and the border of France
and Belgium are not shown! - FP
All Input we could get would be much appreciated!
Fernand Pletschette
15, rue d'Arlon
L-9155 GROSBOUS (Gr. D. of Luxembourg)
Tel...: +352 888 039
Mobile: +352 621 272 577